

wheatWheat (Tríticum, Lat.) - Annual crops belonging to the grass family. Wheat is the most important food crop. Flour derived from the wheat grains in the food industry, is used for making bread, confectionary and pasta. Wheat grains are also used for production of malt alcohol, industrial starch production, as well as animal feedstuffs.

Grains include wheat gluten tensile consisting of proteins and determining elasticity test when mixed with water. This is what causes the high value of wheat as agricultural units and object internal market and international trade. Mass fraction of gluten is one of the most important indicators of the quality of grain.

Such a variety of species and varieties, such as wheat, do not boast of any one of a family of cereals. In addition to common wheat, virtually every country grow their local.
Depending on the period of cultivation of wheat is divided into winter and spring. Winter wheat is grown in the southern regions and areas with moderate frosts and good snow conditions: in the Central Black Earth region of Russia, in the North Caucasus, in the southern regions of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Moldova.
Spring wheat is about 2/3 of the total cultivated area of ​​crops. The main growing regions: the central region of Russia, the Urals steppe regions, Western and Eastern Siberia, the Volga region, Northern Caucasus, North and East Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
There is also a separation of hard and soft grades. In the world production share of wheat is 90%, the firm - 8-9%. At equal protein content and gluten in hard and soft varieties, soft wheat drought resistance and winter hardiness has that determines the popularity of its cultivation in the EU. Durum wheat is grown in small quantities only in the republics of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Agricultural classification of wheat technological properties:

By the standards of soft wheat is divided into 6 classes, a solid 5.
The highest, first, class 2. "Strong" wheat used for bread-making and self-improvement for the "weak" classes. Has a high protein content, vitreous and quality of wet gluten.
3 class. Considered valuable wheat, because does not require improvement. Used to produce bakery, pasta and confectionery flour, semolina and wheat cereals, alcohol and starch.
4 class. Wheat that is to be used should be improved breadmaking "strong."
5/6 class. Forage is used in non-food purposes as animal feed.
Durum wheat 2-4 class with more than 15% of other types of wheat, soft wheat is taken as the 4th grade.
In international trade, the importance of trade in wheat is equated to oil. Leading position in exports of wheat on the world market is occupied by Russia, European Union, Canada, USA, Australia.

Selling wheat agricultural holding "Russian Grain"

We offer wholesale wheat on favorable terms. All products comply with international standards and norms, the quality is confirmed by certification.

We provide wholesale delivery of food grain and feed wheat from Central and Central Black Earth region of Russia, Krasnodar region, southern Urals and Trans-Urals, Western Siberia, the Volga region, the North Caucasus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova.