

cornCorn - the world's oldest annual high-yielding plant of the family Poaceae. By the degree of prevalence of corn is second only to wheat and rice. In Russia, the corn is grown mainly in the Central Black Earth, North Caucasus and Lower Volga regions.

Corn is a grain-round use. According to general statistics, approximately 20% of the world corn yield is used for food purposes, 60-65% goes to feed use, the remaining 15-20% is used for technical purposes.
Grain, corn leaves and stem are also recycled.


Nutritional value

1 kg of corn contains 78 grams of digestible protein (glutelin, zein) and 1.34 feed unit. The carbohydrate content (starch) in maize is 65-70% of the protein - 9.12%, 8.4% vegetable oil, 2% cellulose. Also, corn contains essential amino acids, mineral salts, mikroelemen


Food corn

Corn grain for food purposes is used for flour, cereals, corn flakes, substitute for coffee. Maize grain also is to produce oil, starch, molasses, cellulose and ethanol.


Forage maize

Corn - one of the best grain feed crops. In the fodder used cereal grain corn, as well as the remains of the cobs and leaves. For animal feed forage maize is as pure and processed form. 

Wholesale supply of fodder corn

The company "Russian Grain" delivers Maize wholesale in bulk and in bags:
- Rail in boxcars universal;
- Vehicles (grain).
We carry wholesale fodder corn on the territory of the Russian Federation, CIS and foreign countries. The minimum amount of grain is delivered 500 tons.


Fodder maize, which is realized by "Russian Grain" has all the necessary phytosanitary certificates, as well as relevant standards and norms in accordance with GOST.